Model kits
Model kits for the monument and popular building reproduction on scale
Ladrillos para maquetas huecos, perforados y macizos en miniatura, en diversas escalas y medidas.
Worked stones and ashlars for the miniature polygonal masonry. Square and rectangular section in diverse sizes.
Roof tiles
Plain tiles, Roman tiles, and curved and barrelled tiles in miniature on diverse scale and sizes
Miniature square tiles, rectangular tiles and glazed tiles on diverse scale and sizes
Other pieces
Voussoirs, arches, pillars, battlements, corbels, stairs and all the miniature construction pieces you need for your architectural model.
Green, white and brown moss, grass, cork, gravel and diverse stuff for scenography and diorama decoration.
Other materials
Metal, wood and plastic.
Glues, adhesives and Hobby tools